Internal medicine refers to the treatment of diseases in the body with physical therapy or drugs, rather than surgically.
Through blood tests we can make the most accurate diagnosis to help us decide the best course of action for your health.
We perform many heart-related tests to diagnose a multitude of afflictions such as arrhythmia.
Through respiratory tests we can diagnose and find treatment for many breathing related afflictions such as colds, bronchitis, or asthma.
We can assist in treatment for circulatory related illnesses such as hypertension and diabetes.
Providing help and improving kidney health through kidney-related tests, diagnosis, and treatments.
Diagnosis and treatment related to various infections and diseases.
Providing a healthy program for a healthy and happy life that everyone wants up to age 100!
Entrust your health to Dr. Lee & Lee, a health professional for all ages.
Stay healthy with adult disease prevention and improvement programs.
We want to give you and your family the best service we can provide.